RFID Based Projects

RFID Based Projects

we provide all kinds of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) based projects in Bangladesh.


RFID Based Projects

we provide all kinds of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) based projects in Bangladesh.

Recently we are completed a lot of RFID Based Projects.

There are included some RFID based projects:

  1. RFID based security system
  2. RFID based Attendance System
  3. RFID based Access control system
  4. Anti-theft auto security system with an immobilizer
  5. An automatic door lock system
  6. Toll Booth Automation
  7. Bus ticketing and accident information provider system
  8. Railway reservation
  9. Petrol bunk automation
  10. RFID based Passport
  11. Airport luggage security scanning system
  12. RFID projects in infrastructure
  13. Banking system
  14. Patient monitoring system
  15. Touch screen museum guide
  16. Event tracking system for sports
  17. Voting machine
  18. Object locators
  19. RFID Desk Lamp with RGB Color Scheme Lock
  20. Windows PC Lock/Unlock Using RFID
  21. Arduino Ethernet Rfid card reader
  22. RFID and Keypad Based Door Lock Using Arduino
  23. RFID and Keypad Door lock and Alert System Using Arduino
  24. RFID attendance system using Arduino with GSM
  25. A Very Compact Alarm with Card Reader and Real-Time Clock
  26. RFID Door Lock with Arduino




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