How to place an order on HTE BD?
How to Place order on Arduino ?
1. Select the product you like to purchase on
2. Click the “BUY NOW” tab ( If you have no intention of adding any other items)
or Click “ADD TO CART” tab (If you want to shop for more itmes)
3. Click ” MY CART” ( cart icon) – Select proceed to “CHECK OUT“.
4. On my cart- Click”NEXT Plsease fill in your details” after confirming the products highlighter=>> Under Please fill in your details -Click On “SUBMIT ORDER“.
5. Click”PAY NOW” -You will get a congratulatory message for an order successfully paid.
How to place order on Software?
1. Visit and login
2. Search the product you want to buy by either searching, or directly visiting the category.
3. Click the “BUY NOW” tab ( If you have no intention of adding any other items)
or Click “ADD TO CART” tab (If you want to shop for more items)
4. Click”VIEW CART” after confirming the products highlighter=>> “ CHECK OUT “=>>Under Please fill in your details with deliver address & phone number-Click On “SUBMIT ORDER“.
5. Click”PAY NOW” and follow the paymment instructions -You will get a congratulatory message for an order successfully paid.